The list below is extracted from a collection of 2000 samples, each of size 500, drawn from a simulated population of teenagers which has 57% of it believing that they could be president. Each person in a sample was asked if they believe they could be president. The number of "yes" answers were recorded for each sample.

The histogram above is based on the entire set of 2000 samples.

  1. Write a caption for the histogram that appears above. A good caption for a graphic captures the significant details you want the reader to understand, and with a minimum of wordage.
  2. What was the result of the 492nd sample?
  3. What does the blackened bar represent?
  4. Circle the samples in this list that are among those making up the blackened bar in the histogram.

Sample No. No. of Yes's
486  289
487  276
488  283
489  304
490  301
491  316
492  266
493  277
494  269
495  300
496  296
497  309
498  281
499  275
500  279
501  290
502  284
503  280
504  296
505  295
506 270
507  277