To Open a File Directly:

  1. Put your ActivStats CD into the CD-ROM tray.
  2. Double-click on the file's icon.

You may get a dialog box asking you to select the application that should open the file you just double-clicked. Scroll through the dialog until you find Data Desk. Then double-click on the name "Data Desk".

To Open A File from within Data Desk: 

First, start ActivStats. Press the eyeglass to load Data Desk.

Select New DataFile in the File menu.


Select Open Datafile from the File menu.


Click on the Folder popupmenu to locate the Floppy (A) drive. Double click on it.


You will see icons for all the files on your floppy disk. Double click the one you want.



To DOWNLOAD data from the web and get it into Data Desk, do this:

  1. Download the TEXT file by clicking on its name.
  2. Select all the data (click-and-drag). DO NOT USE SELECT ALL IN THE EDIT MENU!!
  3. Select Copy in the Edit menu.
  4. Press your Browser's BACK button.
  5. Start Data Desk (or switch to it if it is already running).
  6. Select NEW DATA FILE in the file menu.
  7. Select Paste Variables (Edit menu).
  8. Click "Set Delimiters".
  9. Click "Commas"
  10. Click "Okay"
  11. Click "Use These Variable Names"

  12. Save the file.
  13. Save the data file in a convenient location -- a place where you will remember where you put it!