Ricardo Scenario #5

First, here is a solution file for Ricardo4

In this scenario, we have a function which gives Ricardo's velocity along a long, straight, road at every moment Ricardo runs. The function is $$r_d(x)=e^{\sin(x/70)}\sin\left( 20\cos\left(\frac{x}{1000}\right)\right)-\sin(20)+\frac{x}{500}.$$

Sometimes Riardo's velocity is positive and sometimes it is negative, as you can see in the graph shown below.

Your task is modify the approach you've used with tables to define a function whose values give Ricardo's displacement from start at each moment in time from 0 seconds to 1500 seconds after he begins.

In this scenario, however, you do not have a table. Instead, you have a function giving Ricardo's rate of change of distance with respect to time at each moment in time.

Download Ricardo5 and define functions to represent values of quantities described in it.
