November 16, 1999
Load the CollegesAll data set.
Define a derived variable that will give predicted reputation scores for colleges in the CollegesAll data set (that have the requisite information).
Produce a variable table, sorted by predicted reputation. Check your predicted ratings for colleges that are also in the Colleges 1-230 data set. A colleges predicted reputation score should be the same in both data sets. [Note: There may be issues here that Luis tried raising that you chose to ignore. Be attentive!]
Hand in this on Friday. You will have class on Thursday to continue working on this. However, if you wait until Thursday to begin working on it, you will not have enough time to finish.
Note: The next two pages explain how you sort variables and make a variable table.
1. Set the sort options to "descending" (sort from highest to lowest values)
2. Select the variables you want sorted. The "Y" variable is the one that will be sorted. The other variables will be carried along. Then sort the variables.
3. Make a variable table.