March 14, 2000

Notes for March 14, 2000



  1. Collect journals
  • Recap of #1
    1. Derivation of formula for error rate (see handout).
    2. Graph of function (density plot). Emphasize two things:
      1. I am not showing them what I expect them to do. I am using the computer as an electronic blackboard.
      2. The computer is calculating the value of z; suggest they imagine a point "z far out" from the cursor (i.e., sketch a surface)
    3. Graph of function (3-d)
      1. Relate to part (b).
    4. Solve equation (MathView; first a table, then a solution. See printout)
  • Recap of #2
    1. Simulate the scenario:
      1. Put students in pairs. One is Michael, the other is Warden.
      2. Give each pair of students 3 pieces of paper, labeled "Michael", "John", and "Quincy". Have them simulate the scenario – assuming Warden picks prisoner BEFORE Michael asks.
      3. Have them simulate the scenario – assuming Warden picks prisoner AFTER Michael asks.
    2. Analyze it using tree diagrams (emphasize importance of BEING CLEAR ON THE PROCESS AND REFLECTING IT IN YOUR DIAGRAM)
  • Comments on other choices