Storing lecture materials in CourseForum is a great way to encourage discussion amongst students, and bring up questions on the material. If they're coming here to read the material, its the sensible place to ask questions about it.

A convenient way to organize this is to give each lecture its own page (using 'New Page'). Use the Lectures page to collect links to all the lectures, listed by date and/or name.

On each individual lecture page, you might enter a brief paragraph summarizing the lecture material, upload a copy of your notes or PowerPoint slides (so that students can download them from here if they want), or provide a link if you've got the material on another website.

Encourage students to post their questions or comments on the page. They can help each other with answers, or you can step in. Use the feedback to identify topics that were unclear, or that will need further review.

Your students might even want to get together, and take turns writing up detailed notes from the class. These can be posted right in the lecture page, or placed on a different page, linked to from the lecture page.

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