Abi Berufswahl Magazin (ISSN 0343-8546)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Transmedia, Postfach 103227, D-68032 Mannheim,
Acta Didactica Universitatis Comenianae, Mathematics
(ISSN 1210-3608) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1/year.
(Formerly: Acta Mathematica Didactica).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Comenius University Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics, Mlynska dolina, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Action in Teacher Education (ISSN
0162-6620) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association of Teacher Educators, 1900 Association
Dr., Reston, VA 22091, United States.
Adults Learning (ISSN 0955-2308) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 21
De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GE, United Kingdom.
Alberta Journal of Education Research
(ISSN 0002-4805) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Alberta Univ. Faculty of Education, 845 Education
South, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5, Canada.
Alpha. Mathematik als Hobby (ISSN
0002-6395) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Alpha).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Reinhardt Becker Verlag, Luisenstr. 45, D-16727
Velten, Germany.
AMATYC Review (ISSN 0740-8404) Text in
Ed(s)./Addr.: AMATYC c/o State Technical Institute at Memphis,
5983 Macan Cove, Memphis, TN 38134, United States.
American Annals of the Deaf (ISSN
0002-726X) Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf,
800 Florida Ave., N.E., Washington, DC 20002, United States.
American Educational Research Journal. A Quarterly
Publication of the American Educational Research Association
(ISSN 0002-8312) Text in English. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Educational Research Association(AERA),
1230 17th St., Washington, DC 20036-3078, United States.
American Educator: The Professional Journal of the American
Federation of Teachers (ISSN 0148-432X) Text in
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Federation of Teachers, 555 New Jersey
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001, United States.
American Journal on Mental Retardation
(ISSN 0895-8017) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Association of Mental Retardation, 444
North Capitol St., NW, Suite 846, Washington, DC 20001-1512,
United States.
American Mathematical Monthly. An Official Publication of
the Mathematical Association of America (ISSN
0002-9890) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 10 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: MAA Mathematical Association of America Service
Center, PO Box 91112, Washington, DC 20090-1112, United
AMUCHMA-Newsletter Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: irregular.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Professor P. Gerdes, P.O.Box 915, Maputo,
Archimede. Rivista per gli insegnanti e i cultori di
matematiche pure e applicate (ISSN 0003-8369)
Text in Italian.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Casa Editrice Felice le Monnier, Via A. Meucci 2,
I-50015 Grassina, Italy.
The Arithmetic Education (ISSN 0021-471X)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Japan Society of Mathematical Education, Private
Postbox 18 Koishikawa Post Office, Tokyo 112, Japan.
Arithmetic Teacher. Mathematics Education through the
Middle Grades (ISSN 0004-136X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 9/year.
(Continued as: Teaching Children Mathematics).
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1593, United States.
Arkhimedes. Matemaattis-Iuonnontieteellinen Aikakauslehti.
Matematisk-Naturvetenskapelig Tidskrift (ISSN
0004-1920) Text in Finnish, English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 4 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Fysiikan Laitos, Siltavuorenpenger 20M, SF-00170
Helsinki 17, Finland.
Australian Journal of Education (ISSN
0004-9441) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Australian Council for Educational Research, 19
Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124, Australia.
The Australian Mathematics Teacher (ISSN
0045-0685) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers,
P.O.Box 1729, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia.
Australian Senior Mathematics Journal. A journal of the
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers devoted to the
teaching and learning of mathematics in years 11 and 12 of
secondary school and the early years of tertiary education
(ISSN 0819-4564) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mr. Ken Milton, P.O.Box 313, Sandy Bay, TAS 7006,
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
(Contributions to Algebra and Geometry). (ISSN 0138-4821) Text in
German, English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Norbert Heldermann Verlag, Langer Graben 13d,
D-32657 Lemgo, Germany.
Die berufsbildende Schule. Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes
der Lehrer an Beruflichen Schulen (ISSN
0005-951X) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Heckner Druck- und Verlags-GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
1559, D-38285 Wolfenbüttel, Germany.
Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis
(ISSN 0341-4515) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Auf dem Esch
4, D-33619 Bielefeld, Germany.
Bolema. Boletim de Educação
Matemática (ISSN 0103-636X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: irregular.
Ed(s)./Addr.: UNESP Departemento de Matematica, P.O.Box 178, 13500
Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. 2a
Série. Revista da UFPR (ISSN 0037-8712)
Text in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: annual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Universidade Federal do Parana Biblioteca Central
Seçao de Intercámbio, Caixa Postal 441, 80001-970
Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
Boletín - Sociedad "Puig Adam" de Profesores de
Matemáticas (ISSN 1135-0261) Text in
Spanish, English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sociedad Puig Adam de Profesores de
Matemáticas c/o Universidad de Madrid Facultad de
Educación, Depsacho 3517 Paseo Juan XXIII, ES-28040 Madrid,
Bollettino dei Docenti di Matematica Text
in Italian.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ufficio dell'Insegnamento Medio, CH-6501 Bellinzona,
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
(ISSN 0392-4432) Text in Italian, English, French,
German, Latin.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Editrice Compositori, Via Stalingrado 97/2,
I-40128 Bologna, Italy.
British Educational Research Journal (ISSN
0141-1926) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Carfax Publishing Co., P.O.Box 25, Abingdon,
Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom.
British Journal of Educational Psychology
(ISSN 0007-0998) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Epsilon Press Distribution Centre Book Reviews,
Blackhorse Road, Letchworth, Herts SG6 1HN, United Kingdom.
British Journal of Educational Technology
(ISSN 0007-1013) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council for Educational Technology, 3
Devonshire St., London W1N 2BA, United Kingdom.
Bulletin - APMEP (Paris) (ISSN 0240-5709)
Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques
de l'Enseignement Public, 26, rue Duméril, F-75013 Paris,
Bulletin - Société des Enseignants
Neuchâtelois de Sciences Text in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Monsieur Michel Favre, 13a, rue de la Jonchere,
F-2208 Les Hauts-Geneveys, France.
Bulletin - Sociéte Neuchâteloise des Maitres
de Mathématique de Physique et de Chimie.
Mathématique (ISSN 1017-4494)
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sociéte Neuchâteloise des Maitres
de Mathématiques, CH-2007 Neuchâtel,
Bulletin AMQ (ISSN 0316-8832) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association Mathématique du Québec
Secretariat, Succursale Rosemont, Montréal, PQ H1X 3B6,
Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University. Section IV.
Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ISSN 1341-1705)
Text in Japanese, English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: annual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Tokyo Gakugei University, 411 Nukui-Kita-machi,
Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184, Japan.
Bulletin. The Institute of Mathematics and its
Applications Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: Will be followed by "Mathematics Today.
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its
(Continued as: Mathematics Today (Southend-on-Sea)).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications,
Catherine Richards House 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex
SS1 1EF, United Kingdom.
BUS. Zeitschrift für die Computernutzung an
Schulen Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag, Hubertusstr. 4,
D-80639 München, Germany.
Les Cahiers Clairaut. Bulletin du comité de liaison
enseignants et astronomes (ISSN 0758-234X) Text
in French.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Monsieur Gilbert Walusinski, C.L.E.A., 26
Bérengère, FR-92210 St. Cloud, France.
Cahiers de Didactique des Mathématiques
(ISSN 1105-3372) Text in French, Greek.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mr. Athanasios Gagatsis, Aristotelian University of
Thessaloniki Department of Mathematics, University Campus,
GR-54006 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Canadian Journal of Special Education
(ISSN 0827-3391) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Center for Human Development and Research c/o Dept.
of Special Education University of British Columbia, 2125 Main
Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
CASTME Journal (ISSN 0261-5916) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and
Mathematics Educators, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London SW1Y
5HX, United Kingdom.
Chance (New York) (ISSN 0933-2480)
Ed(s)./Addr.: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth
Avenue, New York, NY 10010-7858, United States.
Child Development (ISSN 0009-3920) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Chicago Press, 5801 Ellis Ave.,
Chicago, IL 60637, United States.
Childhood Education (ISSN 0009-4056) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for Childhood Education International,
11141 Georgia Ave. Suite 200, Wheaton, MD 20902, United
Chip. Das Computer-Magazin (ISSN
0170-6632) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Vogel Verlag und Druck GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
6740, D-97064 Würzburg, Germany.
The Clearing House. A Journal for middle schools, junior
and senior schools (ISSN 0009-8655) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Heldref Publications, 1319 18th Street N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036-1802, United States.
Cognition (ISSN 0010-0277) Text in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Publisher North Holland Promotion
Department, P.O.Box 211, NL-1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Cognition and Instruction (ISSN 0737-0008)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 10 Industrial
Dr., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262, United States.
Cognitive Development (ISSN 0885-2014)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355 Chestnut St.,
Norwood, NJ 07648, United States.
Cognitive Psychology (ISSN 0010-0285) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Academic Press Journal Division, 525 B Street, Suite
1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, United States.
The College Mathematics Journal (ISSN
0746-8342) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
(Formerly: Two-Year College Mathematics Journal).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathematical Association of America Subscriptions
Department, 1529 18th Street, Washington, DC 20036, United
College Teaching (ISSN 8756-7555) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
(Formerly: Improving College and University Teaching).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Heldref Publications, 1319 18th Street N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036-1802, United States.
Collegiate Microcomputer. A Quarterly Journal
(ISSN 0731-4213) Text in English. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: Publication ceased after 1994.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN
47803, United States.
Comparative Education. An International Journal of
Comparative Studies (ISSN 0305-0068) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Carfax Publishing Co., P.O.Box 25, Abingdon,
Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom.
Computer Education (Stafford) (ISSN
0010-4590) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Staffordshire School of Computing,
Beaconside, Stafford ST18 0AD, United Kingdom.
Computer Science Education (ISSN
0899-3408) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355 Chestnut St.,
Norwood, NJ 07648, United States.
Computer und Unterricht. Erfahrungen, Meinungen, Modelle
und Software für die Unterrichtspraxis aller Schulstufen und
aller Schulfächer (ISSN 0176-3717) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: E. Friedrich Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
100150, D-30917 Seelze, Germany.
Computers and Education (ISSN 0360-1315)
Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB, United Kingdom.
Computers in the Schools (Binghamton). The
interdisciplinary journal of practice, theory, and applied
research (ISSN 0738-0569) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Haworth Press, Inc., 10, Alice St., Binghamton, NY
13904-1580, United States.
The Computing Teacher (ISSN 0278-9175)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE), 1787 Agate St., Eugene, OR 97403-1923, United States.
Consortium. The newsletter of the Consortium for
Mathematics and its Applications (ISSN 0889-5392)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: COMAP, Inc., 57 Bedford Street, Suite 210,
Lexington, MA 02173, United States.
Contemporary Educational Psychology (ISSN
0361-476X) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Academic Press Journal Division, 525 B Street, Suite
1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, United States.
Crux Mathematicorum (ISSN 0705-0348) Text
in English, French.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Canadian Mathematical Society, 577 King Edward,
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada.
Day Care & Early Education (ISSN
0092-4199) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Human Sciences Press, Inc., 233 Spring St., New
York, NY 10013, United States.
delta-K. Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta
Teacher's Association (ISSN 0319-8367) Text in
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Alberta Teachers' Association, 11010 142th Street
Barnett House, Edmonton, AB T5N 2R1, Canada.
The Derive Newsletter Text in English,
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Derive-User-Group, D'Lust 1, A-3042 Würmla,
Developmental Psychology (ISSN 0012-1649)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Psychological Association, 750 First St.,
N.E., Washington, DC 20002-4242, United States.
Diagnostique (ISSN 0737-2477) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/yr.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Council for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association
Drive, Reston, VA 22091, United States.
Didaktik der Mathematik (ISSN 0343-5334)
Text in German. Abstracts in German.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
(Continued as: PM. Praxis der Mathematik).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
Dimensio. Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen
aikakauslehti (ISSN 0782-6648) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 9/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Matemaattisten Aineiden Opettajien Liito,
Rautatielaisenk. 6, SF-00520 Helsinki, Finland.
Early Child Development and Care (ISSN
0300-4430) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers c/o STBS,
P.O.Box 90, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8JL, United Kingdom.
Educação e Matemática (Lisboa).
Revista da Associação de Professores de
Matemática (ISSN 0871-7222) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Associação de Professores de
Matemática Escola Superior de Educação de
Lisboa, Rua Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcelos, PT-1500 Lisboa,
Educación Matemática (Mexico)
(ISSN 0187-8298) Text in Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Grupo Editorial Iberoamerica, Rio Ganges 64,
Col.Cuauhtémoc, Mexico, D.F. 06500, Mexico.
Education (ISSN 0013-1172) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Project Innovation, 1362 Santa Cruz Court, Chula
Vista, CA 91910-7114, United States.
Education and Computing (Amsterdam) (ISSN
0167-9287) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. Journals Dept.,
P.O.Box 211, NL-1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Education and Treatment of Children
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of West Virginia, Morgantown, WV
26506, United States.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
(ISSN 0162-3737) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Educational Research Association(AERA),
1230 17th St., Washington, DC 20036-3078, United States.
Educational Leadership (ISSN 0013-1784)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 1250 N. Pitt St., Alexandria, VA 22314-1453, United
Educational Research (ISSN 0013-1881) Text
in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Thomson Publishing Services Ltd.,
Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 5BE, United
Educational Research Quarterly (ISSN
0196-5042) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
(Formerly: California Journal of Educational Research).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Grambling State Univ., Adams 105, Grambling, LA
71245, United States.
Educational Researcher (ISSN 0013-189X)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 9/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Educational Research Association(AERA),
1230 17th St., Washington, DC 20036-3078, United States.
Educational Review (ISSN 0013-1911) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Carfax Publishing Co., P.O.Box 25, Abingdon,
Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom.
Educational Studies in Mathematics. An International
Journal (ISSN 0013-1954) Text in English, French.
Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2 vols. (= 4 issues each) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O.Box 322,
NL-3300 AH Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Educational Technology. The magazine for managers of change
in education (ISSN 0013-1962) Text in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Educational Technology Publications, 700 Palisade
Ave, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, United States.
Educational Technology Research and Development
(ISSN 1042-1629) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for Educational Communications and
Technology, 1025 Vermont Ave, Washington, DC 20005-3516, United
L'Educazione Matematica. Rivista quadrimestrale a cura del
Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione dell'Educazione Matematica di
Cagliari (ISSN 1120-4850) Text in Italian,
French, English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Centro Ricerca e Sperimentazione dell' Educazione
Matematica, Viale Merello 92, I-09123 Cagliari, Italy.
Elementa. Tidskrift för Matematik, fysik och
kemi (ISSN 0282-2598) Text in Swedish.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Stiftelsen Elementa, Stabby alle 13, S-75229
Uppsala, Sweden.
The Elementary Mathematician (ISSN
0896-0984) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: COMAP, Inc., 57 Bedford Street, Suite 210,
Lexington, MA 02173, United States.
Elementary School Journal (ISSN 0013-5984)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Chicago Press Journals Division, 5720
S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, United States.
Elemente der Mathematik. Eine Zeitschrift der
Schweizerischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft (Une
Revue de la Société Mathématique Suisse. Una
rivista della Società Matematica Svizzera). (ISSN
0013-6018) Text in German, French, English, Italian.
Elementos de Matemática. Publicación
didáctico cientifica de la Universidad CAECE
(ISSN 0326-8888) Text in Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Universidad CAECE, Avda. de Mayo 1396-5, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue
internationale (ISSN 0013-8584) Text in French,
English, German, Italian.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Université de Genève Section de
Mathématiques, 2-4 rue du Lièvre, CH-1211
Genève 24, Switzerland.
Envol (Laval) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Groupe des Responsable en Mathematique au
Secondaire, 158 Sainte Rose, Laval, PQ H7L 1K9, Canada.
Epsilon. Revista de la Sociedad Andaluza de
Educación Matemática 'THALES' (ISSN
1131-9321) Text in Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sociedad Andaluza de Educacion Matemática
(SAEM) Thales Dipartimento Matemáticas, Apdo. 40, ES-11510
Puerto Real (Cadiz), Spain.
Erziehung und Unterricht. Österreichische
Pädagogische Zeitschrift (ISSN 0014-0325)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: ÖBV Pädagogischer Verlag GmbH,
Schwarzenbergstr. 5, 1010 Wien, Austria.
Erziehungskunst. Monatszeitschrift zur Pädagogik
Rudolf Steiners (ISSN 0014-0333) Text in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Verlag Freies Geistesleben Presse- und
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit GmbH, Haußmannstr. 76, D-70188
Stuttgart, Germany.
Erziehungswissenschaft und Beruf. Vierteljahresschrift
für Unterrichtspraxis und Lehrerbildung
(ISSN 0342-0086) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Merkur Verlag Rinteln Hutkap GmbH und Co. KG,
Ritterstr. 22, D-31737 Rinteln, Germany.
Euclides. Vakblad voor de Wiskundeleraar
(ISSN 0165-0394) Text in Dutch.
European Journal for High Ability (ISSN
0937-4450) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
(Continued as: High Ability Studies).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hogrefe and Huber Publications, P.O.Box 2487,
Kirkland, WA 98083, United States.
European Journal of Psychology of Education
(Journal Europeen de Psychologie de
l'Éducation). (ISSN 0256-2928) Text in English,
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Rua
Jardim do Tobaco 44, PT-1100 Lisboa, Portugal.
Evaluation and Program Planning (ISSN
0149-7189) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB, United Kingdom.
Exceptional Children (ISSN 0014-4029) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Council for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association
Drive, Reston, VA 22091, United States.
Exceptionality (ISSN 0936-2835) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Promotion
Department, 365 Broadway, Hillsdale, NJ 07642, United States.
Executive Educator (ISSN 0161-9500) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 12/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National School Board Association, 1680 Duke Street,
Alexandria, VA 22314, United States.
Gazeta Matematica. Publicatie Lunara Pentru Tineret
(ISSN 1220-4277) Text in Romanian, English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Redactiei Gazetei Matematice, Str. Academiei,
nr. 14, 70109 Bucharest, Romania.
Gifted Child Quarterly (ISSN 0016-9862)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Association for Gifted Children, 1707 L
Street, N.W., Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036, United States.
Gifted Child Today (GCT). The Gifted Child Today
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
(Continued as: Gifted Child Today Magazine).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Prufrock Press, P.O.Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714-8813,
United States.
Gifted Child Today Magazine (ISSN
1076-2175) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
(Formerly: Gifted Child Today (GCT)).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Prufrock Press, P.O.Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714-8813,
United States.
Gifted Education International (ISSN
0261-4294) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: A.B. Academic Publishers, P.O.Box 42, Bicester,
Oxfordshire OX6 7NW, United Kingdom.
Gifu Daigaku Kyoikugakubu Kenkyu Hokoku, Shizen
Kagaku (Science Report of the Faculty of
Education, Gifu University, Natural Science). (ISSN 0533-9529)
Text in Japanese, English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: annual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Gifu University Faculty of Education, 1-1 Yanagido,
Gifu-shi, Gifu-ken, Japan.
Grand N. Revue de mathématiques sciences et
technologie pour les maîtres de l'enseignement
élémentaire et
pré-élémentaire (ISSN
0152-4682) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: IREM de Grenoble, Boîte postale 41, F-38402
Saint-Martin-d'Heres Cedex, France.
Die Grundschule. Zeitschrift für die Grundstufe des
Schulwesens mit 'Mitteilungen des Arbeitskreises Grundschule
e.V.' (ISSN 0533-3431) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Westermann Schulbuchverlag, Georg-Westermann-Allee
66, D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany.
Grundschulmagazin. Impulse für kreativen
Unterricht (ISSN 0724-3499)
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Grundschulmagazin für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ehrenwirth Verlag, Schwanthalerstr. 91, D-80336
München, Germany; R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Rosenheimerstr. 145,
D-81671 München, Germany.
Grundschulunterricht (ISSN 0945-2079) Text
in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Die Unterstufe).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Pädagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag, Postfach
269, D-10107 Berlin, Germany.
Die Grundschulzeitschrift. Mit Kindern Schule machen
(ISSN 0932-3910) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
(Formerly: Grundschullehrer).
Ed(s)./Addr.: E. Friedrich Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
100150, D-30917 Seelze, Germany.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: TERC, 2067 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 2067,
United States.
Heilpädagogische Forschung (ISSN
0017-9647) Text in German.
Higher Education Research and Development
(ISSN 0729-4360) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Higher Education Research and Development Society of
Australasia, P.O.Box 516, Jamison Centre, ACT 2614,
Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education
(ISSN 0919-1720) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: annual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hiroshima University Department of Mathematics
Education, 1-1-2, Kagamiyama Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739,
Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal
(ISSN 1065-8297) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: 301 E. Twelfth St., Claremont, CA 91711, United
Hypercube (ISSN 1256-7647) Text in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Editions Archimede, 5 Rue Jean Grandel, F-95100
Argenteuil, France.
IBDG (Informationsblätter für Darstellende
Geometrie) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Arbeitskreis für darstellende Geometrie
Universität Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 13, A-6020 Innsbruck,
ICMI Bulletin of the International Commission on
Mathematical Instruction Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Roskilde Universitetscenter Sekretariat IMFUFA,
P.O.Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark.
Indian Journal of Mathematics Education. An official
journal of the Delhi Association of Mathematics Teachers,
India (ISSN 0971-1945) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Delhi Association of Mathematics Teachers (DAMT),
A-24 Derawal Nagar, Delhi 110009, India.
Indian Journal of Mathematics Teaching
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for Improvement of Mathematics Teaching
Jagadbandhu Institution, Fern Road, Calcutta 700019, India.
Informatik betrifft uns. Unterrichtsmaterialien
(ISSN 0934-4721) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: Publication ceased.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Bergmoser und Höller Verlag,
Karl-Friedrich-Str. 76, D-52072 Aachen, Germany.
Informatik-Spektrum (ISSN 0170-6012) Text
in German. Abstracts in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Springer Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197
Berlin, Germany.
Information Processing and Management
(ISSN 0306-4573) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 6 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB, United Kingdom.
L'Insegnamento della Matematica e delle Scienze
Integrate (ISSN 1123-7570) Text in Italian.
Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Centro Ricerche Didattiche "U. Morin", Via S.
Giacomo 4, I-31010 Paderno del Grappa, Italy.
Instantanés Mathématiques. Revue officielle
de l'Association des Promoteurs de l'avancement de la
Mathématique à l'Elémentaire
(ISSN 0226-2061) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association des Promoteurs de l'Avancement de la
Mathématique à l'Élémentaire, 7400
boul. Les Galeries d'Anjou, Bureau 410, Ville d'Anjou, PQ H1M 3M2,
Instructional Science. An international journal of learning
and cognition (ISSN 0020-4277) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O.Box 322,
NL-3300 AH Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Instructor (ISSN 1049-5851) Text in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Scholastic, Inc., 555 Broadway, New York, NY
10012-3999, United States.
Interactive Learning Environments (ISSN
1049-4820) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355 Chestnut St.,
Norwood, NJ 07648, United States.
Interface. Die Schweizer Zeitschrift für den Einsatz
des Computers im Unterricht (ISSN 0257-3849) Text
in German, French, Italian.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Redaktion Interface (SFIB), Erlachstr. 21, CH-3000
Bern 9, Switzerland.
The International DERIVE Journal (ISSN
1351-0789) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
(Continued as: The International Journal of Computer Algebra in
Mathematics Education).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ellis Horwood Ltd., Campus 400, Maylands Ave., Hemel
Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7EZ, United Kingdom.
The International Journal of Computer Algebra in
Mathematics Education (ISSN 1362-7368) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
(Formerly: The International DERIVE Journal).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Research Information Ltd., 222 Maylands Avenue,
Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TD, United Kingdom.
International Journal of Computers for Mathematical
Learning (ISSN 1382-3892) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O.Box 322,
NL-3300 AH Dordrecht, Netherlands.
International Journal of Educational Research
(ISSN 0883-0355) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Evaluation in Education).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB, United Kingdom.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science
and Technology (ISSN 0020-739X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Taylor and Francis Ltd., 1 Gunpowder Square, London
EC4A 3DE, United Kingdom.
International Study Group on the Relations Between History
and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter. An Affiliate of the
International Commission on Mathematics Instruction
Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Mississippi Department of
Mathematics, University, MS 38677, United States.
Intervention in School and Clinic (ISSN
0001-396X) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX
78757-6897, United States.
IOWME - Newsletter
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Organization of Women and
Mathematics Education c/o Freie Universität Berlin, FB12 WE
02, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, D-14195 Berlin, Germany.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mr. B.C. Rennie, 66, Hallett Rd., Burnside, SA 5066,
Le Jeune Archimède Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Editions Archimede, 5 Rue Jean Grandel, F-95100
Argenteuil, France.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
(ISSN 0021-8251) Text in English. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1593, United States.
Journal for the Education of the Gifted
(ISSN 0162-3532) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Prufrock Press, P.O.Box 8813, Waco, TX 76714-8813,
United States.
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik (ISSN
0173-5322) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: B.G. Teubner GmbH Publishing Division, Industriestr.
15, D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
(ISSN 0162-3257) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St., New York,
NY 10013, United States.
Journal of Centre for Pedagogical Studies in
Mathematics Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Centre for Pedagogical Studies in Mathematics,
16, South Avenue, Calcutta 700075, India.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
(ISSN 0266-4909) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd. Promotion
Department, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0EL, United Kingdom.
Journal of Computer Science Education Text
in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE), 1787 Agate St., Eugene, OR 97403-1923, United
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science
Teaching (ISSN 0731-9258) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Education, P.O.Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902, United
Journal of Computing in Childhood Education
(ISSN 1043-1055) Text in English. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Education, P.O.Box 2966, Charlottesville, VA 22902, United
Journal of Computing in Teacher Education
(ISSN 1040-2454) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE), 1787 Agate St., Eugene, OR 97403-1923, United States.
Journal of Curriculum and Supervision
(ISSN 0882-1232) Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 1250 N. Pitt St., Alexandria, VA 22314-1453, United
Journal of Developmental Education (ISSN
0738-9701) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
(Formerly: Journal of Developmental and Remedial Education).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Appalachian State University National Center for
Developmental Education, Boone, NC 28608, United States.
Journal of Education for Teaching (ISSN
0260-7476) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Carfax Publishing Co., P.O.Box 25, Abingdon,
Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom.
Journal of Educational Computing Research
(ISSN 0735-6331) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Baywood Publishing, P.O.Box 337, Amityville, NY
11701, United States.
Journal of Educational Psychology (ISSN
0022-0663) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Psychological Association, 750 First St.,
N.E., Washington, DC 20002-4242, United States.
Journal of Educational Research (ISSN
0022-0671) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Heldref Publications, 1319 18th Street N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036-1802, United States.
Journal of Educational Technology Systems
(ISSN 0047-2395) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Baywood Publishing, P.O.Box 337, Amityville, NY
11701, United States.
Journal of Engineering Education (ISSN
1069-4730) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Society for Engineering Education, 1818 N
Street NW Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036, United States.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
(ISSN 0022-0965) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 9/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Academic Press Journal Division, 525 B Street, Suite
1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, United States.
Journal of Information Technology for Teacher
Education (ISSN 0962-029X) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Triangle Journals Ltd., P.O.Box 65, Wallingford OX10
0YG, United Kingdom.
Journal of Instructional Psychology (ISSN
0094-1956) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Dr. George Uhlig, P.O.Box 8826, Mobile, AL 36608,
United States.
Journal of Learning Disabilities (ISSN
0022-2194) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX
78757-6897, United States.
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior (ISSN
0732-3123) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 55 Old Post Road, No.
2, Greenwich, CT 06836-5297, United States.
Journal of Negro Education (ISSN
0022-2984) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Howard University Press, 2400 6th. Street,
Washington, DC 20059, United States.
Journal of Recreational Mathematics (ISSN
0022-412X) Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Baywood Publishing, P.O.Box 337, Amityville, NY
11701, United States.
Journal of Research and Development in Education
(ISSN 0022-426X) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Georgia College of Education, Aderhold
Bldg., Athens, GA 30602, United States.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
(ISSN 0022-4308) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York,
NY 10158-0012, United States.
Journal of Research on Computing in Education
(ISSN 0888-6504) Text in English. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
(Formerly: AEDS Journal).
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Society for Technology in Education
(ISTE), 1787 Agate St., Eugene, OR 97403-1923, United States.
Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast
Asia (ISSN 0126-7663) Text in English. Abstracts
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: SEAMEO Regional Center for Education in Science and
Mathematics, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 11700 Gelugor, Penang,
Journal of Science Education and Technology
(ISSN 1059-0145) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St., New York,
NY 10013, United States.
Journal of Special Education Technology
(ISSN 0162-6434) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Vanderbilt University Peabody College, P.O.Box 328,
Nashville, TN 37203, United States.
Journal of Statistics Education (ISSN
1069-1898) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: North Carolina State University Department of
Statistics, P.O.Box 7505, Raleigh, NC 727695-7505, United
http://www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/pams/stat/; Listserv@Jse.ncsu.edi.
Journal of Structural Learning. Published for the
International Study Group for Mathematics Learning and the
Structural Learning Society (ISSN 1027-1015) Text
in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 4 issues).
(Continued as: Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent
Ed(s)./Addr.: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers c/o STBS,
P.O.Box 90, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8JL, United Kingdom.
Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent Systems.
Published for the International Study Group for Mathematics
Learning and the Structural Learning Society
(ISSN 1027-1015) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 4 issues) a year.
(Formerly: Journal of Structural Learning).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers c/o STBS,
P.O.Box 90, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8JL, United Kingdom.
Journal of Teacher Education. The journal of policy,
practice, and research in teacher education (ISSN
0022-4871) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Association of Colleges for Teacher
Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1186,
United States.
Journal of the American Society for Information
Science (ISSN 0002-8231) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York,
NY 10158-0012, United States.
Journal of the Hong Kong Association for Science and
Mathematics Education Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hong Kong Association for Science and
Mathematics Education, Room 612, Tower B, Hunghom Commercial Ctr.
37 Ma Tau Wa Road Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education.
Series D. Research in Mathematical Education
(ISSN 1226-6191) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Korea Society of Mathematical Education,
Noonnoppi-Boramae Center 10th Floor 729-21 Bongcheon-dong,
Gwanag-gu, Seoul 151-706, Korea, Republic of.
Junge Wissenschaft. Jugend forscht in Natur und
Technik (Young Researcher. The European Journal
of Science and Technology). (ISSN 0179-8529) Text in German,
English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: E. Friedrich Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
100150, D-30917 Seelze, Germany.
Linguistics and Education (ISSN 0898-5898)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 355 Chestnut St.,
Norwood, NJ 07648, United States.
LMFK-Bladet. Meddelelser fra Matematiklaererforeningen,
Fysiklaererforeningen, Kemilaererforeningen, Forenignen af Fysik-
og Kemilaerere ved, Seminarerne og Naturfagslaererforeningen
(ISSN 0106-6455) Text in Danish.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: LMFK-Sekretariatet, Slotgade 2, 3. sal, DK-2200
Kobenhavn N, Denmark.
Log In. Informatische Bildung und Computer in der
Schule (ISSN 0720-8642) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: LOG IN Verlag GmbH, Hundekehlestr. 33, D-14199
Berlin, Germany; Freie Universität Berlin Zentralinstitut
für Fachdidaktiken, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, D-14195
Berlin-Dahlem, Germany.
Logo Exchange. (ISSN 0888-6970) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Special Interest Group for Logo-Using Educators -
ISTE -, 1787 Agate St., Eugene, OR 97403-1923, United States.
M-S-N, Matematyka - Spolleczenstwo - Nauczanie
Text in Polish.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Osrodek Kultury Matematycznej, Orlucz-Dreszera
19/21, PL-08-110 Siedlce, Poland.
MapleTech. Computer Algebra, Functionality, Applications,
Education (ISSN 1061-5733) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Birkhäuser Verlag AG Presse und
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Klosterberg 23, CH-4010 Basel,
La Matematica e la sua Didattica (ISSN
1120-9968) Text in Italian.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Pitagora Editrice s.r.l., Via del Legatore, 3,
I-40138 Bologna, Italy.
Matematicko-Fizicki List Za Ucenike Srednjih Skola
(ISSN 0543-0038) Text in Croatian.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hrvatsko Matematicko Drustvo i Hrvatsko Fizikalno
Drustvo, Ilica 16/III, HR-10001 Zagreb, Croatia.
Matematik (Holte). Tidsskrift for Regne- og
Matematiklaerere (ISSN 0109-937X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Forretningsfører Tulle Fenger, P.O.Box 102,
DK-8305 Samsø, Denmark.
Matematika - Fyzika - Informatika. Casopis pro výuku
na základních a strednich skolách
Text in Czech.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Prometheus, Zitná 25, CZ-117 00 Praha 1,
Czech Republic.
A Matematika Tanitasa (ISSN 0461-3902)
Text in Hungarian.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Orszagos Pedagogiai Intezet, Berzsenyi u. 6, H-1087
Budapest, Hungary.
Matematika v Shkole (ISSN 0025-5181) Text
in Russian.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Izdatel'stvo "Pedagogika", Lefortovskij per., 8,
107847 Moskva, Russian Federation.
Matematyka. Czasopismo dla nauczylieli
(ISSN 0137-8848) Text in Polish.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Redakcja "Matematyki", ul. Dawida 1a, pok. 26,
PL-50-527 Wroclaw, Poland.
Math (Bern). Bulletin zum Mathematikunterricht an
bernischen Sekundarschulen Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: irregular.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern Amt für
Bildungsforschung, Sulgeneckstr. 70, CH-3005 Bern,
Math Notebook (ISSN 0272-8885) Text in
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Center for Teaching/Learning of Mathematics, P.O.Box
3149, Framingham, MA 01701, United States.
Math-Ecole Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Institut Romand de Recherches et de Documentation
Pédagogiques, Boîte postale 54, CH-2007
Neuchâtel 7, Switzerland.
Math-Jeunes Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 4-5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Monsieur Ballieu, rue Alfred Moitroux 22, B-7100 La
Louvière, Belgium.
Mathe-Journal. Zeitung für den mathematischen
Unterrichtsalltag Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Herrn Dr. B. Andelfinger, Egertweg 83, D-89075 Ulm,
Mathematica Didactica. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der
Mathematik (ISSN 0170-1541) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Verlag Franzbecker KG, Bergmannstr. 6, D-31134
Hildesheim, Germany.
Mathematica in Education and Research
(ISSN 1096-3324) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Springer New York, Inc., 333 Meadowlands Parkway,
Secaucus, NJ 07096, United States.
Mathematical Cognition (ISSN 1354-6791)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 10 Industrial
Dr., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262, United States.
Mathematical Digest (Cape Town) (ISSN
1017-0812) Text in English, Afrikaans.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Cape Town University Department of Mathematics,
ZA-7700 Rondebosch, South Africa.
Mathematical Education for Teaching (Manchester)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: Publication ceased.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mr. D. Woodrow, 799 Wilmslow Rd., Didsbury,
Manchester M20 8RR, United Kingdom.
Mathematical Education (Madras). A quarterly journal of
higher education sponsored by the University Grants
Commission (ISSN 0970-5759) Text in English.
Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
(Continued as: Mathematical Education (New Delhi)).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Macmillan, 21 Pattullos Rd., Madras 600002,
Mathematical Education (New Delhi). A quarterly journal of
higher education sponsored by the University Grants
Commission (ISSN 0970-5759) Text in English.
Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
(Formerly: Mathematical Education (Madras)).
Ed(s)./Addr.: New Age International Ltd., 4835/24, Ansari Road,
Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110 002, India.
The Mathematical Gazette (ISSN 0025-5572)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathematical Association, 259, London Road,
Leicester LE2 3BE, United Kingdom.
The Mathematical Intelligencer (ISSN
0343-6993) Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth
Avenue, New York, NY 10010-7858, United States.
The Mathematical Log (ISSN 0025-5580) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mu Alpha Theta National Office, 601 Elm Ave., Room
423, Norman, OK 73019, United States.
Mathematical Medley Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Singapore Mathematical Society c/o Department of
Mathematics National Univ. of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore
119260, Singapore.
Mathematical Pie Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathematical Association, 259, London Road,
Leicester LE2 3BE, United Kingdom.
Mathematical Spectrum. A magazine for students and teachers
of mathematics at schools, colleges and universities
(ISSN 0025-5653) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Applied Probability Trust University of Sheffield,
Hicks Building, Sheffield S3 7RH, United Kingdom.
Mathematics and Computer Education (ISSN
0730-8639) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
(Formerly: The Matyc Journal).
Ed(s)./Addr.: MATYC Journal Inc., P.O.Box 158, Old Bethpage, NY
US-11804, United States.
Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: SCT Publishing, AMK Centre Post Office 0581,
Singapore 915603, Singapore.
Mathematics and Mathematics Education
(ISSN 0915-1486) Text in English, Japanese. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hiroshima University Dept. of School Education, 1-1
Kagamiyama 1-chome, Higashihiroshima 739, Japan.
Mathematics Competitions. Journal of the World Federation
of National Mathematics Competitions (ISSN
1031-7503) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
(Formerly: Newsletter of the World Federation of National
Mathematics Competitions).
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Canberra Australian Mathematics Trust,
P.O.Box 1, Belconnen, ACT 2616, Australia.
The Mathematics Education. A Quarterly Journal Devoted to
Mathematics Education and Research (ISSN
0047-6269) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol.(= 4 issues) a year.
(Formerly: The Mathematics Education. Section B).
(Formerly: The Mathematics Education. Section A).
Ed(s)./Addr.: The Mathematics Education, Nirala Nagar, P.O. Siwan
(Bihar) 841226, India.
Mathematics Education Research Journal
(ISSN 1033-2170) Text in English.
(Formerly: Research in Mathematics Education in
Ed(s)./Addr.: Professor Nerida Ellerton, Edith Cowen University
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Pearson St.,
Churchlands, WA 6018, Australia.
The Mathematics Educator (ISSN 0218-9100)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association of Mathematics Educators c/o National
Institute of Education Nanyang Technological University, 469 Bukit
Timah Road, Singapore 259756, Singapore.
The Mathematics Educator (Athens). An Official Publication
of the Mathematics Student Association, University of
Georgia (ISSN 1062-9017) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: The University of Georgia, 105 Aderhold Hall,
Athens, GA 30602, United States.
Mathematics in College Text in
Frequency of publ.: 1/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: City University of New York Instructional Resource
Center, 535 E 80th Street, New York, NY 10021, United States.
Mathematics in School (Harlow) (ISSN
0305-7259) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Pitman Publishing, 128 Long Acre, London WC2E 9AN,
United Kingdom.
Mathematics Magazine (ISSN 0025-570X) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 5 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathematical Association of America, 1529 Eighteenth
St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036, United States.
The Mathematics Teacher. An Official Journal of the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ISSN
0025-5769) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 9/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1593, United States.
Mathematics Teaching (ISSN 0021-5785) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association of Teachers of Mathematics, 7,
Shaftesbury St., Derby DE23 8YB, United Kingdom.
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
(ISSN 1072-0839) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 7/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1593, United States.
Mathematics today (New Dehli). India's number 1 mathematics
monthly Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Mathematik Betrifft Uns (ISSN 0938-0876)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: Publication ceased.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Bergmoser und Höller Verlag,
Karl-Friedrich-Str. 76, D-52072 Aachen, Germany.
Mathematik im Unterricht. Mitteilungen der
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Mathematikprofessoren des Landes
Salzburg Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Universität Salzburg Institut für Didaktik
der Naturwissenschaften, Hellbrunnerstr. 34, AT-5020 Salzburg,
Mathematik in der Schule (ISSN 0465-3750)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 11/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Pädagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag, Postfach
269, D-10107 Berlin, Germany.
Mathematik Lehren. Die Zeitschrift für den Unterricht
in allen Schulstufen (ISSN 0175-2235) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: E. Friedrich Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
100150, D-30917 Seelze, Germany.
Der Mathematikunterricht (Seelze). Beiträge zu seiner
wissenschaftlichen und methodischen Gestaltung
(ISSN 0025-5807) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: E. Friedrich Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
100150, D-30917 Seelze, Germany.
Mathématique et Pédagogie. Périodique
bimestriel (ISSN 0773-7378) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Monsieur J. Bair, Blvd. du Rectorat 7, B-4000 Liege,
Mathematische Semesterberichte (ISSN
0720-728X) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 2 issues) a year.
(Formerly: Mathematisch-Physikalische Semesterberichte).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Springer Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197
Berlin, Germany.
Mathematische Unterrichtspraxis. Zeitschrift für den
Mathematikunterricht (ISSN 0721-8419) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Kallmeyer'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, Im Brande
19, D-30926 Seelze, Germany.
MathPAD (ISSN 0941-9187) Text in German,
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Professor B. Fuchssteiner, Universität -GH-
Paderborn Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik, D-33095 Paderborn,
Maths & Stats. A quarterly newsletter published by the
CTI Centre for Mathematics and Statistics (ISSN
0959-3950) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Birmingham CTI Mathematics, Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom.
Maths and Malices. Le magazine de Mathématiques pour
Tous (ISSN 1162-9487) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: ACL-Éditions, 50, rue des Écoles,
F-75005 Paris, France.
Matimyás Matematika. Official Journal of the
Mathematical Society of the Philippines (ISSN
0115-6926) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of the Philippines Inst. for Science and
Mathematics Education Development, Pardo de Tavera St., Diliman,
Quezon City PH 3004, Philippines.
Matka (Zagreb). Casopis za mlade matematicare
(ISSN 1330-1047) Text in Croatian.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Croatian Mathematical Society, Bijenicka 3O, 10 001
Zagreb, Croatia.
Matrice. Bulletin de liaison du GEMC Text
in French.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association Mathématique du Québec
Secretariat, Succursale Rosemont, Montréal, PQ H1X 3B6,
Menemui Matematik (Discovering
Mathematics). (ISSN 0126-9003) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 3 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Malaysian Mathematical Society c/o University of
Malaya Dept. of Mathematics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
MERGA Newsletter Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Queensland Univ. of Technology School of
Mathematics, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Qld. 4001, Australia.
Micromath. A Journal of the Association of Teachers of
Mathematics (ISSN 0267-5501) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association of Teachers of Mathematics, 7,
Shaftesbury St., Derby DE23 8YB, United Kingdom.
MNU. Der Mathematische und Naturwissen schaftliche
Unterricht (ISSN 0025-5866) Text in German.
Abstracts in German.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 8 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ferdinand Dümmlers Verlag, Kaiserstr. 31-37,
D-53113 Bonn, Germany.
Monoid. Mathematikblatt für Mitdenker
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Karolinen-Gymnasium, Röntgenplatz 5, D-67227
Frankenthal, Germany.
MUED-Rundbrief Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: MUED e.V. Mathematik-Unterrichts-Einheiten-Datei,
Bahnhofstr. 72, D-48301 Appelhülsen, Germany.
Nämnaren. Tidskrift för
Matematikundervisning (ISSN 0348-2723) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Nämnaren c/o University of Göteborg
Department of Didactics, P.O.Box 10 10, SE-431 26 Mölndal,
Nastava Matematike (L'Enseignement
mathématique). (ISSN 0351-4463) Text in Serbo-Croat.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Drustvo Matematicara SR Srbije, Knez Mihailova
35/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Physik
(ISSN 0340-5478) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: E. Friedrich Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach
100150, D-30917 Seelze, Germany.
NCTM Student Math Notes Text in
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1593, United States.
The New Zealand Mathematics Magazine (ISSN
0549-0510) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 1 vol. (= 3 issues) a year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Auckland Mathematical Association, P.O.Box 26-226,
Auckland 3, New Zealand.
Nieuwe Wiskrant. Tijdschrift voor Nederlands
Wiskundeonderwijs (ISSN 0928-7167) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Freudenthal Instituut, Tiberdreef 4, NL-3561 GG
Utrecht, Netherlands.
Nihon Sugaku Kyoiku Gakkaishi (Journal of
Japan Society of Mathematical Education). (ISSN 0021-471X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Japan Society of Mathematical Education, Private
Postbox 18 Koishikawa Post Office, Tokyo 112, Japan.
NiM, Nauczyciel i Matematyka. Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Matematyki,
Legionów 24, PL-43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Poland.
Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk (Nordic
Studies in Mathematics Education). (ISSN 1104-2176) Text in
Swedish, English, Danish, Norwegian.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
(Formerly: Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk).
Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift. Normat (ISSN
0801-3500) Text in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish. Abstracts in
Ed(s)./Addr.: Scandinavian University Press, P.O.Box 2959
Tøyen, NO-0608 Oslo, Norway.
Números. Revista de didáctica de las
matemáticas (ISSN 0212-3096) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sociedad Canaria 'Isaac Newton' de Profesores de
Matematicas, Apartado de Correos 329, E-38280 La Laguna,
Octogon. Mathematical Magazine (ISSN
1222-5657) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Fulgur Ltd., Str. Soarelui nr. 10, bl. 5, ap. 26,
Brasov, Romania.
Ohio Journal of School Mathematics Text in
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics c/o
Sister Mary Theresa, 1300 Auburn Rd., Chardon, OH 44024, United
Ontario Mathematics Gazette (ISSN
0030-3011) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ontario Association for Mathematical Education
University of Western Ontario, 1137 Western Rd., London, ON N6G
1G7, Canada.
L'ouvert. Journal de l'A.P.M.E.P. d'Alsace et de l'I.R.E.M.
de Strasbourg (ISSN 0290-0068) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Institut de Recherches sur l'Enseignement des
Mathematiques c/o Université Louis Pasteur, 10, rue du
Général Zimmer, F-67084 Strasbourg Cedex,
Pädagogik (Weinheim) (ISSN 0933-422X)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Westermanns Pädagogische Beiträge).
Ed(s)./Addr.: J. Beltz GmbH und Co. KG, Werderstr. 10, D-69469
Weinheim, Germany.
Pädagogische Welt. Zeitschrift für Unterricht und
Erziehung (ISSN 0342-8257) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Auer Verlag GmbH, Postfach 1152, D-86601
Donauwörth, Germany.
Parabola. A Mathematics Magazine for Secondary School
Students Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of New South Wales School of Mathematics,
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Pentagon. A Mathematics Magazine for Students
(ISSN 0031-4870) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Western Illinois University Dept. of Mathematics,
Macomb, IL 61455, United States.
Periodico di Matematiche Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathesis, via Vicenza 23, I-00185 Roma, Italy.
Personality and Individual Differences. The Official
Journal for the International Society for the Study of Individual
Differences (ISSID) (ISSN 0191-8869) Text in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB, United Kingdom.
Perspectives in Education and Deafness
(ISSN 1051-6204) Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Pre-College Programs Gallaudet University, 800
Florida Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002-3695, United States.
Petit x. Journal pour les enseignants de
mathématiques du premier cycle de l'enseignement
secondaire (ISSN 0759-9188) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: IREM de Grenoble, Boîte postale 41, F-38402
Saint-Martin-d'Heres Cedex, France.
Phi Delta Kappan (ISSN 0031-7217) Text in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Phi Delta Kappa Inc., Eighth Street and Union
Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47402, United States.
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Newsletter
(ISSN 0967-8743) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Dr. Paul Ernest, University of Exeter School of
Education, Exeter EX1 2LU, United Kingdom.
Physics Education (ISSN 0031-9120) Text in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place, London W1N
4AA, United Kingdom.
Physics Teacher (ISSN 0031-921X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 9/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Association of Physics Teachers, 1 Physics
Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3845, United States.
Physik in der Schule (ISSN 0031-9244) Text
in German.
Frequency of publ.: 11/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Pädagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag, Postfach
269, D-10107 Berlin, Germany.
Physik und Didaktik (ISSN 0340-8515) Text
in German.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag, Hubertusstr. 4,
D-80639 München, Germany.
Pi Mu Epsilon Journal (ISSN 0031-952X)
Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mr. Richard L. Poss, St. Norbert College, De
Pere, WI 54115, United States.
Plot. Bulletin des Régionales APMEP de Poitiers,
Limoges et Orléans-Tours (ISSN 0397-7471)
Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association des Professeurs de Mathematiques de
l'Enseignement Public Orléans-Tours, Boîte postale
6759, F-45067 Orléans, France.
Plus (Leicester). A mathematical magazine
(ISSN 0268-2095) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
(Continued as: Symmetryplus).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathematical Association, 259, London Road,
Leicester LE2 3BE, United Kingdom.
PM. Praxis der Mathematik. Sekundarstufen 1 und 2.
Vereinigt mit "Didaktik der Mathematik" (ISSN
0032-7042) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
(Formerly: Didaktik der Mathematik).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
Pokroky Matematiky, Fyziky & Astronomie
(ISSN 0032-2423) Text in Czech, Slovak.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Jednota Ceských Matematiku a Fyziku,
Zitná 25, CZ-117 10 Praha 1, Czech Republic.
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Biologie
(ISSN 0177-8382) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Chemie
(ISSN 0177-9516) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Physik
(ISSN 0177-8374) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
Praxis Grundschule. Materialien für den
Unterricht (ISSN 0170-3722) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Westermann Schulbuchverlag, Georg-Westermann-Allee
66, D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany.
Praxis Schule 5-10. Zeitschrift für die Sekundarstufe
I des Schulwesens (ISSN 0936-6970) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Westermann Schulbuchverlag, Georg-Westermann-Allee
66, D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany.
Presek (ISSN 0351-6652) Text in
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Drustvo Matematikov, Fizikov in Astronomov
Slovenije, Jadranska 19, 61111 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Primary Maths and Science (ISSN 1365-6236)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 9/Y.
Ed(s)./Addr.: The Questions Publishing Company Ltd., 27 Frederick
Street, Hockley, B1 3HH Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Primus. Problems, resources, and issues in mathematics
undergraduate studies (ISSN 1051-1970) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: United States Military Academy Department of
Mathematical Sciences, West Point, NY 10996-9902, United
Email: ab3646@usma2.usma.edu.
Principal (ISSN 0271-6062) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 5/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association of Elementary School Principals, 1615
Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3483, United States.
Pro-Posições. Revista Quadrimestral
(ISSN 0103-7307) Text in Spanish. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Cortez Editora, Rua Bartira, 387, São Paulo,
SP 05009-000, Brazil.
Projeções. Revista de Ciençias
Exatas (ISSN 0103-7757) Text in Portuguese.
Frequency of publ.: annual.
(Formerly: Revista da Universidade São Francisco).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Universidade São Francisco Biblioteca
Central, Av. Sã Francisco de Assis 218, BR-12900
Bragança Paulista, SP, Brazil.
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht
(ISSN 0342-183X) Text in German. Abstracts in English,
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, Kemnatenstr. 46, D-80639
München, Germany.
Psychology in the Schools (ISSN 0033-3085)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York,
NY 10158-0012, United States.
Pythagoras (Pretoria) (ISSN 1012-2346)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mathematical Association of Southern Africa (MASA),
P.O.Box 12833, 6006 Centrahil, South Africa.
QMS. Questions of Maths and Science Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Strategies: Mathematics and Problem Solving 3-13).
Ed(s)./Addr.: The Questions Publishing Company Ltd., 27 Frederick
Street, Hockley, B1 3HH Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Quadrante. Revista Teórica e de
Investigação (ISSN 0872-3915) Text
in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French. Abstracts in English,
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Associação de Professores de
Matemática Escola Superior de Educação de
Lisboa, Rua Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcelos, PT-1500 Lisboa,
Quadrature. Magazine de mathématiques pures et
appliquées (ISSN 1142-2785) Text in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Éditions du Choix, 5, rue Jean Grandel,
F-95103 Argenteuil Cedex, France.
Quantum (Washington, DC). The Magazine of Math and
Science (ISSN 1048-8820) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10010-7858, United States.
Die Realschule. Zeitschrift für Schulpädagogik
und Bildungspolitik (ISSN 0342-829X) Text in
(Continued as: Realschule in Deutschland).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag Rezensionen,
Rotebühlstr. 77, D-70178 Stuttgart, Germany.
Realschule in Deutschland (ISSN 0342-829X)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Formerly: Die Realschule).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Ilmgaudruckerei und Verlags GmbH, Raiffeisenstr. 24,
D-85276 Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm, Germany.
Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques
(ISSN 0246-9367) Text in French, English. Abstracts in
English, French, Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Editions la Pensée Sauvage, 12, place
Notre-Dame, F-38002 Grenoble Cedex, France.
Remedial and Special Education. RASME
(ISSN 0741-9325) Text in English. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX
78757-6897, United States.
Repères IREM (ISSN 1157-285X) Text
in French.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Topiques Editions, 24 rue du 26ème B.C.P,
F-54700 Pont-à-Mousson, France.
Research in Education (ISSN 0034-5237)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Manchester University Press Promotion Department,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom.
Research in Science and Technological Education
(ISSN 0263-5143) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Carfax Publishing Co., P.O.Box 25, Abingdon,
Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, United Kingdom.
Revista da Universidade São Francisco.
Matemática. Educaçao para a paz
(ISSN 0103-6386) Text in Portuguese.
Frequency of publ.: 1/year.
(Continued as: Projeções).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Universidade São Francisco Biblioteca
Central, Av. Sã Francisco de Assis 218, BR-12900
Bragança Paulista, SP, Brazil.
Revista de Educación Matemática
(ISSN 0326-8780) Text in Spanish, English.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Unión Matemática Argentina c/o
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - FAMAF -, Avdas. Valparaiso y
Martinez, 5016 Cordoba, Argentina.
Revista do Professor de Matemática
(ISSN 0102-4981) Text in Portuguese.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sociedade Brasileira de Educação
Matemática, P.O.Box 66281, 05389-970 São Paulo, SP,
Revista EMA (ISSN 0122-5057) Text in
Spanish. Abstracts in Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
(Formerly: Revista SigmaMA).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Universidad de los Andes, Apartado Aéro 4976
Cra. 1 Este 18A - 70, Bogota, Colombia.
Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria 5,
Dydaktyka Matematyki (Annales Societatis
Mathematicae Polonae. Seria 5, Dydaktyka Matematyki). (ISSN
0208-8916) Text in Polish. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne, Ul. Sniadeckich 8,
00-950 Warsaw, Poland.
Roeper Review Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Roeper School, 2190 N. Woodward, Bloomfield Hills,
MI 48304, United States.
Rozhledy Matematicko-Fyzikálni
(ISSN 0035-9343) Text in Czech.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Jednota Ceských Matematiku a Fyziku,
Zitná 25, CZ-117 10 Praha 1, Czech Republic.
Sache-Wort-Zahl. Lehren und Lernen in der Grundschule
(ISSN 0949-6785) Text in German. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
(Formerly: Sachunterricht und Mathematik in der Primarstufe).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
Sachunterricht und Mathematik in der Primarstufe
(ISSN 0170-0944) Text in German. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
(Continued as: Sache-Wort-Zahl).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Aulis Verlag Deubner, Antwerpener Str. 6-12, D-50672
Köln, Germany.
School Science and Mathematics. Official Journal of the
School Science and Mathematics Association (ISSN
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: School Science and Mathematics Association, c/o
Bloomsburg Unversity Curriculum and Foundations, Bloomsburg, PA
17815-1301, United States.
Schulmagazin 5 bis 10. Impulse für kreativen
Unterricht (ISSN 0947-2746) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 11/year.
(Formerly: 5-bis-10-Schulmagazin).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Verlag Michael Prögel, Rosenheimerstr. 145,
D-81669 München, Germany.
Science (ISSN 0036-8075) Text in
Frequency of publ.: weekly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Association for the Advancement of Science,
1200 New York Ave, Washington, DC 20005, United States.
Science and Education (Dordrecht). Contributions from
History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science and Mathematics
(ISSN 0926-7220) Text in English. Abstracts in
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O.Box 322,
NL-3300 AH Dordrecht, Netherlands.
Science Education (Salem, Mass.) (ISSN
0036-8326) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 605 Third Ave., New York,
NY 10158-0012, United States.
Science Reports of the Faculty of Education. Fukushima
University (Fukushima Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu
Ronshu Rika Hokoku). (ISSN 0387-0855) Text in Japanese, English.
Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: semiannual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Gifu University Faculty of Education, 1-1 Yanagido,
Gifu-shi, Gifu-ken, Japan.
Science Scope. A Journal for Middle-Junior High Science
Teachers (ISSN 0887-2376) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Science Teachers Association, 1840 Wilson
Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201, United States.
The Science Teacher (Washington, DC) (ISSN
0036-8555) Text in English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Science Teachers Association, 1840
Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201, United States.
Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Scientific American, 415 Madison Ave., New York, NY
10017, United States.
Le Scienze la Matematica e il Loro Insegnamento. Bimestrale
di informazione, divulgazione, aggiornamento
(ISSN 0392-8810) Text in Italian.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Casa Editrice Felice le Monnier, Via A. Meucci 2,
I-50015 Grassina, Italy.
SEFI MATH 2. Newsletter of the SEFI Mathematics Working
Group Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Chalmers Univ. of Technology Dept. of Mathematics,
S-41296 Göteborg, Sweden.
Social Studies and the Young Learner (ISSN
1056-0300) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council for the Social Studies, 3501 Newark
St. NW, Washington, DC 20016, United States.
Sonderpädagogik. Vierteljahresschrift über
aktuelle Probleme der Behinderten in Schule und Gesellschaft
(ISSN 0342-7366) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Wissenschaftsverlag Volker Spiess GmbH,
Gneisenaustr. 33, D-10961 Berlin, Germany.
Die Sonderschule (ISSN 0323-4592) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
(Continued as: Die neue Sonderschule).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hermann Luchterhand Verlag, Heddesdorfer Str. 31,
D-56513 Neuwied, Germany.
Spektrum der Wissenschaft (ISSN 0170-2971)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH,
Vangerowstr. 20, D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany.
The Statistics Teacher Network Text in
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Statistical Association, 1429 Duke St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314-3415, United States.
Stats. The magazine for students of statistics
(ISSN 0379-8844) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: American Statistical Association, 1429 Duke St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314-3415, United States.
Stochastik in der Schule Text in German.
Abstracts in German.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Verein zur Förderung des Schulischen
Stochastikunterrichts, Kammannstr. 13, D-58097 Hagen,
Strategies: Mathematics and Problem Solving 3-13
(ISSN 0959-8936) Text in English.
(Continued as: QMS).
Ed(s)./Addr.: The Questions Publishing Company Ltd., 27 Frederick
Street, Hockley, B1 3HH Birmingham, United Kingdom.
SUMA (Granada). Revista sobre la enseñanza y
aprendizaje de las matemáticas (ISSN
1130-488X) Text in Spanish.
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Revista Suma, Apdo. 1304, ES-21080 Huelva,
T.H.E. Journal. Technological Horizons in Education
(ISSN 0192-592X) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 11/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: THE Journal, 150 El Camino Real, Suite 112, Tustin,
CA 92680, United States.
Tangente. L'aventure mathématique
(ISSN 0987-0806) Text in French.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Editions Archimede, 5 Rue Jean Grandel, F-95100
Argenteuil, France.
Teaching and Teacher Education. An International Journal of
Research and Studies (ISSN 0742-051X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Elsevier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1GB, United Kingdom.
Teaching Children Mathematics (ISSN
1073-5836) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 9/yr.
(Formerly: Arithmetic Teacher).
Ed(s)./Addr.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1906
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1593, United States.
Teaching Exceptional Children (ISSN
0040-0599) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Council for Exceptional Children Division on Mental
Retardation, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091, United
Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications
(ISSN 0268-3679) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Oxford University Press Journals Subscriptions
Dept., Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, United
Teaching of Psychology (ISSN 0098-6283)
Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 10 Industrial
Dr., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262, United States.
Teaching Pre K-8 (ISSN 0891-4508) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Teaching K-8, 40 Richards Ave., Norwalk, CT
06854-2309, United States.
Teaching Statistics. An international journal for teachers
of pupils aged 9-19 (ISSN 0141-982X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 3/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sheffield University Department of Probability and
Statistics, Sheffield S3 7RH, United Kingdom.
Technology Teacher (ISSN 0746-3537) Text
in English.
Frequency of publ.: 8/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: International Technology Education Association, 1914
Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091, United States.
Temas and Debates Text in Portuguese.
Frequency of publ.: irreg.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Sociedade Brasileira de Educação
Matemática, P.O.Box 66281, 05389-970 São Paulo, SP,
Theta. A journal of mathematics (ISSN
0953-0738) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 2/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Manchester Metropolitan University Crewe and Alsager
Faculty Mathematics Dept., Crewe, Cheshire CW1 5DU, United
Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der Beta-Wetenschappen
(ISSN 0169-2917) Text in Dutch.
Frequency of publ.: Publication ceased.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der beta-Wetenschappen,
Postbus 80 000, NL-3508 TA Utrecht, Netherlands.
Tijdschrift voor Nascholing en Onderzoek van het
Reken-Wiskundeonderwijs Text in Dutch.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Freudenthal Instituut, Tiberdreef 4, NL-3561 GG
Utrecht, Netherlands.
Times Educational Supplement (ISSN
0040-7887) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: weekly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Times Newspapers, Priory House, St. John's Lane,
London EC1M 4BX, United Kingdom.
Topologie Structurale (Structural
Topology). (ISSN 0226-9171) Text in French, English.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Université du Québec à
Montréal, Suc. A, Montréal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada.
Training Officer. The Independent Journal for the
Professional Trainer (ISSN 0041-090X) Text in
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Marylebone Press Ltd., Lloyds House 18 Lloyd Street,
Manchester M2 5WA, United Kingdom.
Tsukuba Journal of Educational Study in Mathematics
(ISSN 0919-6641) Text in Japanese, English. Abstracts
in English.
Frequency of publ.: annual.
Ed(s)./Addr.: University of Tsukuba Mathematics Education
Division, 1-1-1 Tennodai Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305, Japan.
U Sviti Matematiki. Ukraïnskij Matematichnij Zhurnal
dlya Shkolyarib Text in Ukrainian.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: TBiMC Scientific Publishers, P.O.Box 119, 253156
Kiev, Ukraine.
Ucitel Matematiky (ISSN 1210-9037) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mr. Frantisek Janecek, Pedagogické Centrum,
Svendova 13, CZ-500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech
Uitwiskeling. Een driemaandelijkse uitwisseling van
bronnen, ideeen en vragen over wiskunde-didaktiek
Text in Dutch.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Mrs. H. Eggermont, Uitwiskeling, Celestijnenlaan
200B, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium.
The UMAP Journal. The Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics
and its Applications (ISSN 0197-3622) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: COMAP, Inc., 57 Bedford Street, Suite 210,
Lexington, MA 02173, United States.
Uni. Perspektiven für Beruf und Arbeitsmarkt
(ISSN 0344-4228)
Frequency of publ.: 7/year.
(Formerly: Uni Berufswahl Magazin).
Ed(s)./Addr.: Transmedia, Postfach 103227, D-68032 Mannheim,
Uni-Magazin (Mannheim) (ISSN 0948-2458)
Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: not defined.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Transmedia, Postfach 103227, D-68032 Mannheim,
Uno (Barcelona). Revista de Didactica de las
Matematicas (ISSN 1133-9853) Text in
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Association des Promoteurs de l'Avancement de la
Mathématique à l'Élémentaire, 7400
boul. Les Galeries d'Anjou, Bureau 410, Ville d'Anjou, PQ H1M 3M2,
Unser Weg Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: 10/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Leykam Buchverlagsgesellschaft, Stempfergasse 3,
A-8010 Graz, Austria.
Unterrichtswissenschaft. Zeitschrift für
Lernforschung (ISSN 0340-4099) Text in German.
Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Juventa Verlag, Ehretstr. 3, D-69469 Weinheim,
ZDM. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik
(International Reviews on Mathematical Education).
(ISSN 0044-4103) Text in German, English, French. Abstracts in
English, German.
Frequency of publ.: 6/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,
Zeitschrift für Berufs- und
Wirtschaftspädagogik (ISSN 0172-2875) Text
in German.
Frequency of publ.: bimonthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, Birkenwaldstr.
44, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany.
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und
Pädagogische Psychologie (ISSN 0049-8637)
Text in German. Abstracts in English.
Frequency of publ.: 4/year.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hogrefe - Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Postfach 3751,
D-37027 Göttingen, Germany.
Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik.
Heilpädagogische Blätter (ISSN
0513-9066) Text in German.
Frequency of publ.: monthly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Verband Deutscher Sonderschulen e.V. Fachverband
für Behindertenpädagogik Bundesgeschäftsstelle,
Ohmstr. 7, D-97076 Würzburg, Germany.
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie
(ISSN 1010-0652)
Frequency of publ.: quarterly.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Hans Huber Verlag, Länggangstr. 76, CH-3000
Bern 9, Switzerland.
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research
(ISSN 1013-3445) Text in English.
Frequency of publ.: 3/yr.
Ed(s)./Addr.: Human Resources Research Centre University of
Zimbabwe, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.